Saturday, December 22, 2012

Article on updates in fracking

A Progress Report on Fracking and Water Safety -

New York Times article on new moves on fracking. Looks as if the update has no real new info from the EPA, other then just stating that it's being looked into. I'm really interested in what the final determination will be. I fear this will be a long process.

Article on the history of water treatment

Clean Water For All: A History of Drinking Water Treatment

This is a fun little article on the history of water treatment.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Do you know where your bottled water comes from?

Disputes spring up over bottled water sources

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Water info on Pintrest

Lots of fun water info in Pinterest find me at

Pressure Drop Calculator in Google Play

    Another useful app for the water industry is Pressure Drop Calculator. This app can be found in the Google Play store and is for the great price of Free. Much like using other conversions apps, this app can help you figure head loss with a fee simple inputs.

                                                   This link will take you to the app.

My Waterway app from the USEPA

         The US EPA has a new app put out the help you keep tabs on the health of waterways in your location or other locations if you choose. It really is a neat web app that allows you to see if a local water was found to be polluted and what is being done to fix it. Follow the Link below to see the app in action.

Monday, July 23, 2012

AWWA & WEF make plans to work together

AWWA, WEF Story from

     The exploratory committee to create an official partnership between AWWA and WEF is a long time in the making.  It has been happening a lot on a local level and it is nice to see that this friendship has percolated it's way to the top. I think that this will help both secure strength for the future.